Aron H
Business Development and Marketing Officer
Education: BA (Hons) Film and Television Studies, University of Exeter
My responsibilities at Buffalo:
As a Business Development and Marketing Officer, my role consists of building and maintaining relationships with clients, whilst implementing bespoke marketing strategies to support business development initiatives and enhance Buffalo’s branding and promotions. My focus is assessing how Buffalo can aid in the development of clients fundraising programs and marketing effectively the services Buffalo provides.
Why I chose to work for Buffalo:
The opportunity for career progression and structured implementation of varying solutions and tactics within a warm, welcoming and experienced team, was extremely attractive. I enjoy the facets of a fast growing company and working in an environment where my skills can continually be developed.
Desert Island Essentials:
Book - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Record - Far Away Eyes - The Rolling Stones
Film - A Knight's Tale
Luxury Item - Bobble Hat